Tuesday, February 7, 2012


(Dedicated to those in my life whom I appreciate - you know who you are!)

Is there someone you know, perhaps work with, (or perhaps not) that goes out of their way to help you out? Perhaps you ride to work with them, or maybe they’re the one you call when you need a ride now and then. Maybe they run an errand for you on occasion when you can’t or don’t have the time. Or it’s them that you call when you’re in a pinch and need a sitter on short notice. Maybe they bring in food that they share with you. It could be any of the above, or a number of things I not only didn’t mention, but probably wouldn’t think of if I had all day. Whatever it is that they do for you that’s above and beyond the basics, it’s most likely something they don’t ‘have’ to do. Maybe it’s even something quite minor, but to you it makes all the difference in the world, and makes your life a lot easier or simpler.  Whatever it is, do you kinda take it for granted or do they know how much you really appreciate it?
                Why don’t you take a moment today and make sure they know how much it means to you? You could do it with a simple gift or card, something more elaborate if you’re able, or if you aren’t able to do that, at least bring it to their attention by stopping and talking to them. Make a special trip to their desk, office or work area when you don’t need anything from them or wanting them to do something for you. Let them know they aren't being taken advantage of and that you really do appreciate what they've done for you with a simple:"I really do appreciate everything you do for me, I wish there was more I could do to show it". It might make all the difference in the world to that person.

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